Description: The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) provies localities fire serivity hazards, based on relevant factors such as fuels, terrain, and weather. These zones, referred to as Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ), provide the basis for application of various mitigation strategies to reduce risks to buildings associated with wildland fires. Localilities use these assessments as guidelines, but are not required to adopt the same severity zones for their localities. Where specified in a Local responsibility area, this map shows the severity zones provided by CalFire, but DO NOT represent a localities final severity classification.
Copyright Text: CalFIRE Fire Prevention and Planning (
Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: SRA Field 2: HAZ_CLASS Field 3: null Field Delimiter: , Default Symbol:
Default Label: null UniqueValueInfos:
Value: SRA,Very High Label: SRA, Very High Description: State Responsibility Area, Very High Hazard Class
State Responsibility Area (SRA) is defined as Lands exclusive of cities and federal lands regardless of ownership, classified by the State Board of Forestry as areas in which the primary financial responsibility for preventing and suppressing fires is that of the State. These are lands covered wholly or in part by timber, brush, undergrowth or grass, whether of commercial value or not, which protect the soil from erosion, retard runoff of water or accelerated percolation, and lands used principally for range or forage purposes. Symbol:
Value: SRA,High Label: SRA, High Description: State Responsibility Area, High Hazard Class
State Responsibility Area (SRA) is defined as Lands exclusive of cities and federal lands regardless of ownership, classified by the State Board of Forestry as areas in which the primary financial responsibility for preventing and suppressing fires is that of the State. These are lands covered wholly or in part by timber, brush, undergrowth or grass, whether of commercial value or not, which protect the soil from erosion, retard runoff of water or accelerated percolation, and lands used principally for range or forage purposes. Symbol:
Value: SRA,Moderate Label: SRA, Moderate Description: State Responsibility Area, Moderate Hazard Class
State Responsibility Area (SRA) is defined as Lands exclusive of cities and federal lands regardless of ownership, classified by the State Board of Forestry as areas in which the primary financial responsibility for preventing and suppressing fires is that of the State. These are lands covered wholly or in part by timber, brush, undergrowth or grass, whether of commercial value or not, which protect the soil from erosion, retard runoff of water or accelerated percolation, and lands used principally for range or forage purposes. Symbol:
Description: Summary:
The goal of this mapping effort is to create more accurate fire hazard zone designations such that mitigation strategies are implemented in areas where hazards warrant these investments. The fire hazard zones will provide specific designation for application of defensible space and building standards consistent with known mechanisms of fire risk to people, property, and natural resources. This specific dataset provides the DRAFT Very High zones within LRA, for the purposes of review and comment by local jurisdictions.
PRC 4201 - 4204 and Govt. Code 51175-89 direct the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) to map areas of significant fire hazards based on fuels, terrain, weather, and other relevant factors. These zones, referred to as Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ), define the application of various mitigation strategies to reduce risk associated with wildland fires. CAL FIRE is remapping Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ) for State Responsibility Areas (SRA) and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) in Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) to provide updated map zones, based on new data, science, and technology. This specific dataset provides DRAFT boundaries for Very High FHSZs within LRA lands. Since these zones were the result of a model that considers influence of fire behavior and embers from adjacent lands, zones for SRA and FRA lands are included to assist in understanding the hazard zoning on LRA lands. Draft maps are available at: More information about the project can be found at:
Use limitations
This dataset DOES NOT define final adopted Very High zones in LRA - users are cautioned to obtain the adopted zone data when it becomes available for actual decisions related to zones.
Copyright Text: CAL FIRE recoginzes the important contribution of various local government entities that contributed data, maps, and comments that were critical components of the FHSZ mapping process.
Description: This dataset (SRA13_1) represents our initial determination of SRA status as of 7/1/13. After comparing SRA parcels to assessor roll files, a final determination of SRA status as of 7/1/13 will be reflected in SRA13_2. SRA13_1 includes numerous annexations affecting SRA status that have occurred since 7/1/2012. CAL FIRE has a legal responsibility to provide fire protection on all State Responsibility Area (SRA) lands, which are defined based on land ownership, population density and land use. For example, CAL FIRE does not have responsibility for densely populated areas, incorporated cities, agricultural lands, or lands administered by the federal government. The SRA dataset provides areas of legal responsibility for fire protection, including State Responsibility Areas (SRA), Federal Responsibility Areas (FRA), and Local Responsibility Areas (LRA). SRA designations undergo a thorough 5 year review cycle, as well as annual updates for incorporations/annexations, error fixes, and ownership changes (automatic changes that do not require Board of Forestry approval). In addition, CAL FIRE is now responsible for determining parcels subject to the SRA Fire Prevention Fee under AB X1 29. As part of the SRA Fee process, CAL FIRE performs an annual comparison of SRA data to assessor roll files, to identify SRA parcels that are actually federally owned (FRA) or part of an incorporated city (LRA).
Copyright Text: Numerous federal agencies have provided data that help us to identify FRA lands (BLM, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs).